Media about Green Psychotherapy

The coronavirus has disrupted all our lives. We struggle with the isolation of sheltering in place, practicing social distancing when we’re out. These new stresses add to longstanding challenges like depression, anxiety, and relationship problems. At Green Psychotherapy, we support you through these difficult times, while you make changes so you can thrive, and not just cope with life. We focus on understanding and accepting you as you are right now, and helping you figure out where you want to go from here. We support you as you make the sometimes tough (and rewarding) changes that will give you a better life.

We’ll meet weekly, and to practice social distancing, we’ll have sessions by phone. Working outside the traditional therapy office, you’ll find a comfortable place to be during your sessions. Many clients choose to have sessions outdoors when weather permits, letting us use elements of ecotherapy and mindfulness to feel more connected to the natural world.